Another Public Shooting In The USA and Just Another Day

Joshua Seo
3 min readApr 14, 2022

Haven’t we had enough of this? Because the number of incidents is so high, we are now immune to the news and not shocked by yet another shooting incident in the United States. This time in New York City.

We’re not even remotely surprised anymore. The breaking news doesn’t feel breaking anymore since we’ve heard about public shooting incidents so many times already. Each time this incident occurs, the anti-gun ownership groups and politicians storm the media demanding stricter gun control and pushing for severe penalties, but we all know this hasn’t worked so far. NRA is quite possibly the 2nd most powerful group behind the CIA in the United States and many politicians feed off NRA’s funds to run their programs.

You will be able to find many resources/videos on why Americans like to own and carry guns. The larger states, especially in the South, combined with a lower population make more land available, meaning houses are separated by longer distances. Perhaps we all like our privacy and unobscured views of our backyards but it also means longer for law enforcement to show up in case of emergency. In the rural USA, people live so far away from the city center where most of the necessary infrastructure is located, thus they like to protect themselves from any threats. Many shooting incidents are usually from these states rather than places like northeastern states and congested cities. Although we’re learning and finding out that is no longer the case.

My family immigrated to the United States in the late 90s and I never saw a gun until I moved to Virginia in 2010 and that was from Southern Virginia too. Gun control is a hot topic during the political elections every time, yet no real solutions are implemented to reduce the incidents. It’s growing. Access to guns and ammunition is easier and faster nowadays, and the wrong people can do serious damage to those just living hard-working lives.

I am not totally against eliminating guns and banning them altogether. I see the value of protecting ourselves and our families before it’s too late. Perhaps the guns shouldn’t leave the households, that will eliminate the public shooting, but how do we enforce that? Is there technology like Wi-Fi that we can implement so that guns are deactivated when left too far from the activation sensor?

I’m very curious to hear what President Biden says about this incident in the coming days. He’s got too many critical issues/topics on his plate already, but this can’t be bypassed.

I’m glad to find out that no one died from the tragedy. People were simply heading to work so they can provide food for/her families. We shouldn’t have to put our lives in danger during our commute. The commute itself is difficult to handle.



Joshua Seo

An engineer by education, but much more interested in international relation, geopolitics, cultural diversity, and sports journalism.